The Last Weekend

*deeeeep breath in*

Man. The air out here is just so crisp and fresh. Yesterday was warm and windy. Overnight, the temperature dropped significantly, and we woke up chilly and ready to get our blood pumping! And by “blood pumping” I actually mean we were ready to get the fire lit and the coffee brewing! Thank you, Carrie and Braden, for lending us your big radiant heater! You saved our butts this weekend!

I am SO pleased that Cher joined us for the day! Naturally, we wore the same jacket.

She is SUCH a chill lake guest, I’ve gotta say. She contentedly sat by the fire for the bulk of the morning, sipped coffee, visited with everyone, and rolled with the punches of cold weather, smoke, whining kids, etc. 

We cracked out an extravagant (Ha!) lunch of sandwiches, crackers and cheese, cantaloupe, etc. Everything was SO low key. Brady, Cher, and I chatted by the fire through quiet time while the kids kids took off to do some exploring on their own. I am SO grateful to be able to let them go, within reason, and feel confident that they are safe. 

Once the little ones were up, and the sun had done a better job warming up the afternoon, we went for one last exploring walk. We wandered through the bush and looked at leaves, plants, mushrooms, and trees. We played a few games, and sipped coffee as we went. It was SO relaxing, and it felt SO special to have Cher along with us. 

We love it here. This is probably our last weekend here in 2020. We will winterized and pack up tomorrow. But, man, what a gift we were given in this crazy unpredictable year. Thank you Lord!