The Middle Boys

Every evening, our family gathers in the living room to say bedtime prayers together. They kids all pray, give hugs, and then Brady and I pray for them individually when we tuck them in. Its just out system. As it goes, almost every night, we each had a kid in our lap. Mine is almost always Rowan. Laela and Wavy usually alternate with Brady. Dekker likes to sit on his own. And Solly usually prefers to curl up in a blanket on a couch. When he does choose to snuggle, he just wants to lay on you, but not for anyone to actually have a hand on him.

Yesterday, right before it was time to start getting ready for bedtime stuff, both Solly and Rowan climbed onto me in the recliner. This never happens.

It doesn’t look like a lot, but it was a pretty precious moment for me. These two boys don’t do a whole lot together. They don’t pair off naturally. But this was SUCH a soft snuggle. You can even see Rowan’s arm over Sollys back. And no one was fighting the affection or closeness. It was very very nice.

Once everything was tidied and it was time to pray together, the boys both came to me again and we had a group snug on the chair while we prayed.

My middle boys, I call them. My middlest, and my little middle. They were very cute together yesterday, and I don’t want to forget that 💜