The New Digs

You may notice in the coming weeks that there is a new home being built beside ours! But by “built,” I mean renovated, and by “home,” I mean RV! Ours!

Thank you, Landry, for driving it here for us!

So. We did a thing! We were recently fortunate enough to secure a permanent spot at Christopher Lake, and our latest big project arrived in the empty lot beside our house just yesterday. After careful consideration, Northridge agreed to grant us six weeks to complete our project in their lot. It is a tight timeline, but I’m excited to have a fire lit under us!

The camper is essentially a shell. It was bought to be gutted and turned into a bunkhouse, and the job was never completed. In our research, just about anything we’d buy second hand would need to be rebuilt to a degree anyway, so we decided to go for this shell of an RV for a fraction of the cost, and build it from the ground up.

A series dedicated to the remodel of our camper starts on Friday! If thats your thing, please feel free to follow along! We are SO excited! July might be one of the busiest months of our lives, but we’re completely stoked! The whole thing still feels a little surreal but its going to get really very quickly. I can’t wait!