The One Good Thing

Fridays appointment got me pretty hot under the collar, but there was one positive that came from it that I thought deserved it’s own post. 

In my chart were some results. I had recently gone to have my HCG checked for the thousandth time, and its finally down to zero. Bittersweet, but I’m relieved it did eventually go down, meaning I’m safe from having anything missed on the inside. Hormones are where they belong, which feels quite a bit more normal than they have in a solid year, honestly. So whatever imbalance I was fighting earlier may have levelled itself out. I’m hesitantly optimistic I’ll retrieve some of my quality of life back soon. Its so hard when your body is out of balance :/ 

While I was hoping to receive those results in the office that day, I did NOT expect to receive my other results! Do you guys even remember? I went for genetic testing a couple of weeks back and was told they took a month to get back. This happened once before, when I was being tested for blood clotting disorders. It was supposed to take a month but it took less than two weeks. I am SO grateful for the same miraculous scenario to have played out again. And even better than that, all appears to be normal on the inside. That was my suspicion all along, but it didn’t hurt to have it confirmed. 

Those types of results are always good and bad. Good not to have any genetic worries, but annoying to still be without answers. But how many of us actually get answers anyway? Very few, I feel. 

I guess we just wait and see now 🤷‍♀️ Its so hard to know what to do next. 

God knows what we need. 

He will never leave us or foresake us.