The Return

Brady and I took the kids for groceries yesterday morning. It was the biggest shop we’ve done in a long time. A two cart kind of shop at Costco. Rowan was an awesome sport and pushed a cart that got pretty heavy by the end of things, but he didn’t complain even once! We hit Walmart next and got the rest of our stuff pretty seamlessly. Lots and lots and LOTS of groceries. However, it became clear that the upcoming winter is already staring at me. I gave into it just a little.

And by “a little” I definitely don’t mean it cost a little. Oof. Winter gear is SO expensive! Good thing the younger ones have hand me downs!

We got home and unpacked and settled, and started some supper prep. Not long after that, a couple of deeply anticipated children pulled up across the street! Of course no homecoming snuggle pictures because the morsel is a SECRET morsel 😅 You’ll just have to take my word for it. Reception was warm 💜

And by warm, I mean I made them try on their new gear almost immediately.

They are both thoroughly pleased with what they got. Yay Costco!!

Ok friends. Time for coffee and seeing what I can pump out before my meeting this morning! Happy Monday, guys!! ☀️