The Things that are Good

I didn’t get much sleep last night. My mind was just running about unimportant things, and I was up from 1:30-5:00-ish. It goes without saying that I’m feeling a bit draggy this morning, but I’d really like to focus on the positives today. Woot!!

Its Saturday! Of all days to be tired, today is definitely the day!

Also, Spring is here. Despite the cloudy weather today, our kitchen window is open and the fresh air is blowing. I’m so happy nicer weather is here! I hope it stays!

I got up this morning, put on makeup, and went to apply some on someone else! I’m so thankful to have people around me who want me to succeed at doing something that I love! It was exciting and important and I think it turned out pretty well, if I do say so myself. That was a great start to my morning.

While I was gone, Solly barfed. It was kind of nice to skip that…

While I fed my sick baby a bottle, Brady vacuumed the entire house. What a huge chore off the list!

Hot coffee.

We spent time planning some fun music with a friend yesterday evening, and we’ll spend time with my parents tomorrow. It is always nice to be around loved ones.

Its nap time!! Three of the kids are going down today, and I’m anticipating a big bowl of the chicken lemon rice soup I made a few days ago. It turned out perfectly. Not to too my own horn, but *toot toot.*

I’m thankful for a lot of things, and a lot of people. My life is full and rich. God is just so so good.

I think that last one wraps todays post up pretty nicely 🙂 Its such a strange time of my life, with so many uncertainties on the horizon, so many plans in the works. Strange and wonderful all rolled together.