The Three Bars

It’s really fun to see the kids growing up attending the same school that I went to. I admit, I’m sad there isn’t more of a rollover with the teachers who taught me, but there are still a few familiar faces hanging around, which I am SO grateful for πŸ’œ I hope there are still a couple floating around the high school as well!!

Something that remains the same, at least in some capacity, are the playgrounds. Some things have come and gone, of course, but some of the good old structures remain in place. And it is a lot of fun to see my kids gravitate towards certain things.

Specifically, my Laela. She loves the three bars. And I, too, loved the three bars.

I wasn’t particularly agile or brave as a kid, but I worked hard to get up onto that top bar and to sit there confidently.

I never got to where Laela is so quickly, and I am so impressed with her determination.

Her hands are blistered and sore, and she’s usually dirty from being in the sand, but she is SO awesome and driven, and I’m really impressed by her.

Laela has flourished in a lot of cool ways this year, and it’s a true pleasure to witness πŸ’œ