The Validation You Bring

Yesterday’s post was both easy and hard for me to put out there. I want you to know where Brady is at. I want to keep this time in our life in our records. I want to have history so I’m prepared when a doctor asks. I feel its right to put it out there. Yet, if you know me closely, you know I have trouble distinguishing what is valid and what is “dramatic.” I’ve been accused of being dramatic a LOT in my life, or overreacting, or being too sensitive.

I tried to simply state facts, though I’m well aware I veered into emotions a number of times. But I care deeply for my husband, and I see how much he suffers. How many complaints he swallows. How hard he is exercising his self control. He grins and bears it ALL DAY. And while that is so impressive and humble, he deserves a break.

Your comments on the post made me all teary. You all let me feel how I feel, without suggesting I should just cool off. I felt validated and justified in my feelings, even though I was mad. No one told me to give the physio the benefit of the doubt. And I have, honestly! For a LONG time! You let me know I could be mad without being wrong. You told me you’d be angry, too, or that you are upset for us. You offered to pray. To talk. To come help us. I know I could call out, and someone would come running, and that is incredibly reassuring. Though, covid 🙄But I know we would find a way.

Its just been a mess over here, and I appreciate the lack of criticism. Rather, the support and encouragement has helped me feel stronger. Just knowing how many people are in our corner is incredibly reassuring. So, thank you, friends.

We should have some information/progress in a day or two. I will keep you posted as I know things.