Thin Best Friends Are The New Black Pt. 2

This is a continuation from Part 1. Funny how convenient that is. 

Cher here! If you want to catch up before you read this blog, you can find part one archived on Hailey’s blog for March 2024

Number Three:

This is honestly one of my FAVORITE parts. Have you ever wanted to buy someone you love, like the BEST gift ever? Like a gift that might sell out quickly due to popular demand, or a gift that they really deserve? When I go to the store and see a piece of clothing that would look SO GOOD on my bestie, I can almost GUARANTEE there is a small or extra small because she is so tiny, and those sizes are typically less popular. Now, try finding sizes Medium and Large, that’s hard- But if you’re bigger than size large, and they have that size, both you and your best friend (AKA me and Hailey) can share matching onesies. Just saying. We are ying and yang. I’m telling ya! It’s a gift.

Number Four:

Many people think thin people are weak and delicate, but research I have done in my own free time proves that this is not true for all thin people. So, I tried to do a thumb war with Hailey once, and I should have gotten a thumb cast because that girl had me out in three seconds flat! Not only that, but if you ever tried to wrestle a cookie from her because you’re hungry, you’re the one who is gonna get bruised. You would never see it coming!!!! She looks like a doll made of feathers, but she’s a G.I.JANE. I might look like the bodyguard, but it’s the other way around guys. 

This brings us to the end of part two.