This Power Outage Tho…

If you live where I live, or in any surrounding town, you know what I mean. Power cut out around noonish kind of out of nowhere. Its windy outside, but not miserable, and not stormy. We figured it was a little flicker, which happens a bit too often for my taste but not even close to as often as when we lived in Radisson! But it didn’t come back on. As tends to happen, someone mentioned it on Facebook and we quickly confirmed that it was in all parts of town, and it had not been announced as a planned outage. 

SaskPower clued in maybe 15 minutes later and announced their crews were en route to see what was going on. It was determined there was a “burnt structure” that caused the problem. The estimated time of repair is 6:00pm. Guys. Thats late. 

We some plans today, but everything was shot in the foot that very moment. No family pictures for us today, thats for sure! Brady and I managed to scratch together a lunch from our pantry and the fruit that lives on our counter. We managed, but it wasn’t great. I ate party mix, some tomato slices, and a couple of cookies for lunch. It was something, anyway. Better than some other days honestly. 

While the kids napped, Brady and I pulled out Skip-Bo. I don’t know what it is about a power outage but it always puts us in the mood for a card game. Nighttime power outages, too. I feel so unsettled falling asleep if the power is still out, so we usually stay up late into the night and play tile rummy by candle light. Its fun 🙂 Today was fun too. 

Supper will be interesting. But also maybe awesome. I think we’re going to have peanut butter and honey sandwiches. Which I know isn’t great, but with such a long power outage, I’m hesitant to open my fridges or freezers and risk our food spoiling. No way no how. We’ll work with what we’ve got. We have apples, bananas, and fresh garden tomatoes available on the counter, and a whole pantry filled with food, much of which is packaged convenience food. Again, not great, but not starvation either. I’m grateful for our options. 

But I do admit, I’ll probably skip supper so I can eat real food later! There are some delicious leftovers in the fridge calling my name…