Those Rubber Boots that Every Kid Has

I walk Dekker from the van to school every morning. He can definitely get there on his own, but each morning he requests that we walk together, and I’m not going to shut him down, because I know eventually, he’ll want that freedom. So I’ll take it as long as I can possibly get it!

A couple of times in the last week or so, we’ve run into a classmate of Dekker’s along the way, and they’ve noted that they have the same rubber boots. You know the boots. The black boots with the green bottoms that everyone has. Or at least it sure feels that way!

The first day he wore his rubber boots, he and a friend noticed they had the same ones! I realized in that moment that I hadn’t labelled Dekker’s boots. Whoops! They are VERY clearly marked with the initials “RV,” thanks to the family who donated them to Value Village, so I figured at least I knew that. I’d label them after school that day.

But I didn’t.

A couple of days ago, another friend noted that he and Dekker had the same boots. He did indeed! I realized I still hadn’t labelled Dekker’s boots! I said something to the boys about writing Dekkers name in his boots, and the other kid laughed and said his name wasn’t in his either, but rather his brothers name. I had to get on that.

Buuuuut I didn’t.

This morning, I was walking Dekker towards the school and he mentioned that one of his boots felt funny. I looked down at his boots and they looked exactly the same. Too much the same. Sure enough, he had two right boots. We headed into the boot room to slip them off, and as you’d expect, one boot said RV and the other boot said the name of that other students older brother inside of it. Ugh!

That kid was nowhere to be found, so I sheepishly emailed their teacher and asked her for help sorting out whose was whose, at least, and promised I would actually be an adult and label my kids stuff after school.

So, we’ll call this a mom fail and move on, I suppose. But seriously, guys, its worth it to check who is beside your kid on the shoe shelf in the boot room, or who shares a locker with your kid. Makes life a LOT easier when you inevitably miss stuff. I am just not the sharpest I’ve ever been!