Three out of Three

This morning started off so well! Dekker and Laela slept quite a bit later than normal, which is always a treat and bodes well for good attitude and lots of fun. Rowan woke up quite a bit earlier and couldn’t seem to be consoled, which brought about really good snuggles while we lay in bed together and started a movie. When we did finally all get up, breakfast was a success. The day started off so well.

Just a few hours later, I am so tired. Everyone is down for their naps much earlier than I bargained for, considering how long Dekker and Laela slept in. The time between breakfast and now has been filled with reprimands, throwing toys, hitting, attitude, and sooo much screaming!

So now, three out of three kids are safely tucked away in their comfy bed, wailing their freaking heads off. I might join the crowd…

mama jeanne

awwwwwwwww…..I’m sorry! Hope the evening goes better. Please don’t cry unless you need to. Call if you’d like to chat 🙂 But I’ll let you rest otherwise. Love you Hailey