To church with Laela will be go!

We finally got ourselves to church again! We missed the last few weeks, on purpose, to be honest. I wanted to avoid the questions of well-meaning people who inquired about how soon I thought I might deliver, because I knew I would cry. So today, less than a week after her birth, we brought Laela to church and introduced her all around!

Our church is lovely, and called our family up to the front, welcomed Laela, and celebrated her first visit to church by giving her a rose and praying for her. It was really lovely, and she didn’t flinch when everyone clapped for her. Yay Laela!

Since she was somewhat anticipated by many, we ended up staying at church until after 1pm, visiting with people, recounting the story of her delivery, and passing her around. I think I can safely speak for my family and say that we felt very loved and singled out. I’ve always said this with Dekker, and it appears that the feeling carries over to Laela as well, but I feel sooo blessed when people take interest in our family, even if there is no relation or even any real concrete friendship. So again, I thank each and every one of you who wrote me a message, comment, or even just liked our birth announcement status on Facebook. The support is overwhelming.

Miss Laela did incredible all morning and by the time we got home, it was well after 1pm, and Laela was sooo hungry! She ate a really good sized meal and then napped the afternoon away, as did Dekker. The rest of us sat back and watched a few episodes of “Lie to Me” on Netflix. I dozed a bit but other than that, we just relaxed. It was a really great morning and afternoon out, doing what we would normally do. Yay for normalcy!

For a quick little update, since some of you have asked, I’m feeling a decent amount better than I was the other day. I have been super achey and my hips/lower back/pelvis somehow hurt to the touch. I didn’t remember that feeling with Dekker but I realized yesterday that I was much more diligent with taking pain meds last time. So I got on a schedule and wrote it all out and have been keeping on top of it. Today felt sooo much better! I don’t feel worse for wear at all this evening. I can definitely tell when I miss meds though, so I need to be reminded constantly. Maybe I should set phone alarms… Either way, my pain is much better! However, (sorry for those who don’t want this much information) I’m at the fun stage where I think my stitches are starting to dissolve and work themselves out. That is not a comfortable feeling and can actually be kind of pokey. I’m looking forward to recovery being over, thats for sure! I said after Dekker’s birth that recovery is harder than labor and delivery, and I think its true in most cases. Not so much for me this last time, but who even remembers, right? 😉

Bath time. And supper in the bath 🙂 Dekker was pretty hands on all day today, and when we came home and all he wanted to do was play and be comfy in his own house, we didn’t want to restrict him to play upstairs in the dining room. So we’re eating now that he is down. Laela is sleeping for now as well. So we’re breaking out the chicken lemon rice soup given to us by a friend this morning (told you it wouldn’t last long!!) and the rest of the wine that we had to toast Laela’s arrival home.

