Today was Expensive

Oof. It really was.

I had to be in the city today for an appointment, so I hit Walmart in the meantime for some necessities. And WOW did those add up quickly!

Yup. So thats a convertible car seat, a big box of Similac concentrate liquid formula, and FOUR boxes of Nestle concentrate liquid formula. Goodness what I wouldn’t give for both babies to at least take the SAME formula! But there are reasons, so we go with it. But man alive. Its a lot.

I also went on the mad hunt for sugar. Did you guys know there’s a shortage?? Its a crappy time for it, but I’m sure that is part of the plan to get things going. After hitting a handful of places, I found myself at Bulk Barn, scraping the end of the brown sugar out of the container. So at least I got some.

I got home with my purchases, plus a few other little things, and the kids helped me unload. They’re nice.

Once Brady got home from work, we loaded the kids up and went back into the city to purchase a large cabinet unit that I’d found on Facebook Marketplace. I’ll be honest. It doesn’t have a home here at our house. It definitely has a home at the next house. And we’re still waiting on that. But it was a leap of faith so we took it.

Aaaaand conveniently, I found SUGAR!!!

Christmas baking can commence! And did you know brown sugar is just white sugar with molasses? So I have enough for that, too! Just have to buy molasses 😅 Whoops!

Anyway. Expensive day. I am nice and tired after all the running around, and tomorrow holds much of the same! An appointment and more shopping!

First 🙌 SLEEP!