Today’s Events, and Cute Solly Baby

I lost quite a bit of sleep last night. Luckily, I was asleep by 9:00pm so even with all of the wakefulness in the middle, I still got some good hours. After I dropped Dekker off at school, my mom hung around and visited with me until shortly after 10:00, which was lovely and much needed. Not long after she left, Brady informed me that his day was done, and he was on his way home.

As I mentioned a while back, our phones were part of a recall, and our appointment to have them looked at was this afternoon, so we took the kids into the city, and I sat in the van with them while Brady brought our phones to our favorite Apple dealer in the city. Both of our phones did in fact qualify for the program, so now they’ll order us new batteries and we’ll have them installed as early as mid next week. Though our next week is already looking fairly full and I’m not sure we’ll get there. We’ll see. Once we were done at the phone appointment, we grabbed some late lunch for the kids and drove home.

Not twenty minutes after arriving home, I drove to Dekker’s school to pick him up. The warm weather is such a nice change from yesterday, and Dekker was really happy to have been able to play outside for recess finally.

Now, everyone is home, and I’m taking a load off upstairs. In going through my pictures, I have a couple of hilarious ones of Solly to share with you πŸ™‚

These just crack me right up! Solly’s latest face isΒ anything with his tongue hanging out of his mouth. Its endearing and funny and spitty and he’s just always soaked, but SO very sweet.

Also this!

He’s been trying to crawl for a while now! He hasn’t been entirely successful yet, but he’s not giving up. Brady told me he actually saw Solly get his chest up once too! So its coming! Which is brutally uncool, dude. You’re too little. Just be a baby, already!

Trying to see some positives today, and sure enough, they are taking shape. Brady has tomorrow off, which is a big positive all on its own! Very thankful for my husband.

Deanne Makellky

I just love reading about and seeing your kids. We don’t really keep in touch since Bethany but it’s so cool to be able to see your family grow and pray for you.
Your kids are ridiculously adorable. I hope we get to see you guys at the reunion I think my kids would have so much fun with your kids


You’re so sweet, Deanne πŸ™‚ We’re very much hoping to make it to the reunion, so I think we’ll actually get that chance! I don’t see too many updates from your family but I hope you’re all doing well <3