Today’s Prenatal Appointment

I saw my doctor this afternoon for an appointment. I am 15 weeks, as of Monday, right in the middle of these tricky, anxious weeks.

Thanks to my ridiculous brain, I showed up to this appointment a solid 45 minutes early, but Dr. Guselle saw I had checked in and called me back anyway. It was a super relaxed time of day, so she brought me back herself, we skipped the weigh in, and just met and talked. I informed her that my nausea was really petering off, and I’ve dropped my morning dose of diclectin as well as my afternoon one. I mentioned some other things I’ve been dealing with and she gave me some tips. Round ligament pain is unrelenting these days, so that was a big one. I have had a weirdly plugged ear for the last several days that she advised me on. Things like that. I don’t know how we got on the subject, but we had a brief talk about labour and delivery and how that might look, and her face just warmed right up, and she said she was so happy to hear that I was even thinking that far ahead. Maybe some healing is taking place without me realizing it. I sure hope so! It was nice to think that way, and we even got a bit ballsy and booked more appointment further ahead. I believe I’m booked up to 28 weeks. Just hoping and praying we make it that far!

The big part of these appointments is listening for the baby, and sure enough, baby was easy to find. At first, anyway. That funny little baby is just too busy to be pinned down, and moved and kicked at the doppler like crazy! It was such a fun thing to hear, and SO reassuring for my heart! Dr. Guselle grabbed my phone for me to try and record some of the action, but as much as we trie to bug the baby afterwards, he/she seemed a bit more content and not as eager to get away from the doppler. I guess they had just accepted it by then, haha! Still very nice to have that precious sound on video. I still have a video of us listening to Jamin’s heartbeat thru the doppler. That kind of thing is just SO dear to my heart!

All things considered, it was a really nice appointment. I have an ultrasound next week, and then another couple of appointments with Dr. Guselle soon after before we move to *gulp* monthly appointments. I’m not sure how thats going to feel, but I’m hopeful that baby’s movements will be big enough for me to feel by then, and that will relieve some stress.

But let’s not look that far ahead. Today was good. Today, Bambino is alive and well! Dekker, on the other hand, puked at school and is home with his pale little self parked on the couch. Pleeeaaase pray he doesn’t give us all a tummy flu, and rather just threw up because two other kids did, and it grossed him out. 🤞 That would be ideal!