Tornado Warnings

Goodnight, guys. Did you LOVE the storm yesterday?? I know not everyone is up for storms, but I love them. I have for a very, very long time. I don’t particularly love a good tornado warning, but I love rain and the kind of weather you just want to sit at your window and watch! We had some of that yesterday.

While the kids read in the living room before bed, Brady, Cher, and I went outside on the deck and watched the clouds. They were INCREDIBLE!!!

But seriously, they just got better and better. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen clouds like these. They were magnificent!

My favorite picture I took…

Isn’t it bananas??? 😍 The three of us were just dazzled. We didn’t want to go inside, even as the wind tried to push us off the deck or knock our phones out of our hands.

We love storms. I am SO grateful Brady didn’t miss any big ones while we were apart. Thank you, Cher, for documenting our celebration! Hahaha!

It was a good day yesterday. A good storm. I hope there are many more.