Two Years After Surgery

Bradys surgery was two years ago. That will be a hard day to forget. But I try to focus on how far we’ve come, not where we started 🙂 So here goes. 

That first year, we just survived. Rehab. Radiation. Chemotherapy. So many MRIs. A pulmonary embolism. Brain tumour scares. Walkers. Crutches. Wheelchairs. We just got through. Absolutely nothing else. And that was ok. It had to be. We made it. 

The first year was gigantic in terms of CHANGE. Absolutely everything changed. 

Year two was entirely different, but still huge. Maybe even bigger. 

Well, not at first. We were still riding out chemo for the first few months, but the moment that was over, Brady went back to work. He worked, and I was home, jugging the house things without him. I still had help, of course. And I still do! But it was different having him away. I grieved him going back to work, and feared that the guys wouldn’t know what he needed or how to help him. Lots of new. This year also has held an amazing amount of appointments with physio, rehab, family doctor, physiatrist, neurologist, hematologist, walk-in clinics, eye doctors, etc. Our life has been made SO much easier by having our doctors cell phone number. She is so eager to help us. We rocked the busiest summer of our lives, running back and forth to the lake constantly. We juggled work and play and projects and relationships and basic life things. We lived through normal things that we hadn’t seen in a while. I’m looking at you, endless colds with some pink eye thrown in there. Oh and covid, because, why not? We took care of some long time coming stuff. Neglected some other stuff. Made plans to accomplish yet further stuff. And gave up what we could. We’ve grieved some losses and celebrated some victories. 

To boil the sucker right down, it was a year of growth in the midst of great challenges. I believe for the most part that, from the outside, we appear to have it all together. And some days, we do! Other days, I just want to scream. 

We are well. Far from perfect, but better than we were, and for that, I praise the Lord. 💜