Visiting Family

I am SO late getting this post up! But family comes first.

Brady and I left at exactly noon. Yet we only got up to pack at 10. And by we, I mean Brady. I got up and got all my stuff together, but when my head decided not to cooperate, I sat with Dekker during his breakfast for a while.

We were nervous for the drive but it was pretty uneventful.

photoDekker looked this most of the drive. He was wiped out but wouldn’t sleep. So he either just sat with his mouth hanging open, or he whimpered.

photo (1)He did learn how to put his toque on by himself though! I guess that counts as an “event.”

photo (3)And Brady drove in dangerous poses. Pretty riveting, I know. We stopped a few times to save my back and neck, and lost both of our roll ups. I haven’t won once 🙁

The roads were sooo much clearer than the forecasts let on, and we didn’t run into any ice until we were about a half hour outside of our destination, which was no match for Stella.

We successfully arrived at our destination in time for a dinner of quesadillas. Dekker went down awesome, then did the other boys, and then the grown ups got frozen yogurt and didn’t watch the movie they rented. It was nice though. Talking in person is always so much nicer than the phone. It seems like there is just more to talk about and catch up on.

So yes, my blog is technically a day late, but you’ve forgiven me before and I’m hoping you will again. We’re so happy to be visiting family and are looking forward to tomorrow. Perhaps an Ikea trip is in order, if we’re not snowed in. Dang you, winter!