Waverly Did a Weird Thing

Wavy did a super bizarre thing yesterday.

She slept. All. Morning. 

And all. Nap time. 

I checked on that little girl multiple times, to see if she was maybe just hanging out in her bed, playing with her new stuffed toy. She was not. She was completely quiet. Very likely completely wiped out from the holidays and gatherings and such. Its like she knew it was her first full home day and was going to really rest her body. 

You may know this, but it can get pretty disconcerting when a kid doesn’t wake up for so long. Dekker slept past noon from the night SO often, and it really made me nervous. Yesterday felt like that. As nap time was wrapping up and I still hadn’t even seen my Waverly since the night before, I decided it was time to wake her. 

I know, I know. Don’t wake a sleeping baby. But guys, when the baby has slept for 19 hours, its time to wake that baby. So I did. 

And she was pretty ok. Not really one way or another. I fed her some cereal, and she ate it, but wasn’t really into it. Didn’t show signs of sickness. Didn’t really want to play. Just groggy and neutral. She lay on me in the recliner for the majority of the remainder of the day.

The others were super sweet and did a great job of being quiet and sensitive for her, even without my asking. 

Wavy ate supper and did the evening with us, and went to bed at a normal time, right around 7:00pm.

Buuuuut you’d better believe she woke up at 9:00pm feeling just fine, and figured it was time to get up from her nap 🤦‍♀️ It makes sense, except that her parents were pretty tired themselves, and weren’t looking to spend another handful of hours awake. Thank goodness, she didn’t last as long as it seemed she was going to, and she went back to bed in time for us to not be complete zombies. 

It was an odd day without Wavy, but her little body clearly needed it. This morning, she woke up around 9:00am and rocked a normal morning schedule. I’m thankful that blip didn’t turn her around too badly, and we can all carry on because *drumroll please* reality starts tomorrow!!! Or Monday. We’ll see how lively we all are tomorrow 😆 But we need to be back on our game and our regular schedule starting bright and early on Monday!

Enjoy this last weekend, friends ❤️ With the new year comes longer days and colder temperatures, lol!