Waverly Turns Two

My tiniest baby girl turns TWO today!! Happy birthday, sweet Wavy!!! 

Let’s take a look at Waverly’s previous twelve months. 

It goes without saying that Wavy brought special blessing to our home. She came to us after a brutal time of struggle and loss, and she brought light and hope and excitement and a strong reminder that God always knows what we need when. 

For her little deets, Waverly is definitely our most petite child. She’s right around 24 pounds. She has almost all of her teeth, but she’s still short a two-year molar or two. Her hair is craaazy long, and craaazy blonde! We’ll see if the blonde stays through the winter or if its just bleached out like crazy in the sun ☀️ 

Wavy is positively BURSTING with personality, as you may know if you’ve met her before.

She loves to make funny faces or do silly things to make others laugh. She gallops and runs and jumps SO well. She tells jokes and prays, and she’ll repeat pretty much everything anyone says. She picks up words so easily, and therefore, communicates SO well. 

She knows what she wants, and she asks for it. She insists on picking her own clothes. Thats a first for us around here. She is 110% happily cooperative with brushing teeth, baths, diapers, etc. Sometimes she’ll whine and ask “Whyyyyyuh?” We’ll tell her why, and 9/10 times, she says “Okay” and happily goes along. 

Sometimes Waverly cries and says things like “I want be big” or “I want coffeeeee.” Please, sweetheart, don’t be big too fast. I’m not ready…

Your family loves you so dearly, Waverly Violet.


You changed our vibe, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Our life is lighter and happier since you came along. And for that – for you – I praise the Lord. 


Happy Birthday Waverly! You are a precious girl! Love you so much, Wavy!
Great post, Hailey! She is indeed an amazing part of all your family! You all fit together so well! 💕 I can see why your heart would be so full! ❤️

Mama jeanne

Such a true description of my darling youngest grandchild so far🥰.

You are a fabulous little girl, Wavy!!!!!
I love you.

I think Wavy started picking up all the good things about her family even before she got a glimpse of this world. And here she is, encompassing all this goodness, sweetness and fun that fills her home and family.
I know this because I am so truly loved and cared for by you, my family.
I love you all so much and feel so blessed to be loved by you.
Happy Birthday, Wavy. You really do light up our lives. God bless you, cutie-pie.