Waverly’s Birthday Party

As you know, Waverly celebrated her second birthday on July 2nd, which isn’t only special because its her birthday and we love her, but also because its her magic birthday!! We keep bdays pretty simple over here, but we tried to dress it up a little extra this time around, as she only has ONE magic birthday and we wanted her to feel really extra special. Here is the photo play by play of her birthday party, mostly taken and all edited by Cher! Thank you for all your hard work 😘 

We decorated the night before 🙂 

The day began with a BIG breakfast!! 

We served pancakes, bacon, and peaches. It was super delicious, and the birthday girl was the life of the party. Sticky and hyper and the life of the party!

Belly bacon!

She opened presents after breakfast! 

She got a really thought out, lovely card…

A couple of little toys…

A bunch of clothes, specifically tank tops, which she really needed…

And from us, she got new bedding! A pillow and a nice fluffy duvet.

She was SO happy! And its fair to say she napped extra comfortably after lunch 🙂 

Everyone played the afternoon away. It was relaxed and fun for all. Once Waverly was awake, we snuck her upstairs for a birthday photo shoot. I’ll share those photos with you tomorrow! Too many pictures on this post already 😆 We ordered Pizza Hut for supper, and had chips and chocolate milk with it. There were NO objections. And then dessert came out!

Again, no objections. We had homemade Oreos with light pink cream cheese icing. Waverly was elated. And again, goofy. 

Once dessert was over, my mom and I packed up some cookies into bags…

And we made our way around town to share them with our friends! 

People have been big on the birthday parades during Covid, and I think they’re really lovely. We decided to put a different spin on it, though, and take the party around rather. We stopped by a good handful of houses and shared our treats with our friends. It was so so nice. Wavy was exhausted by the end. Upon getting home, though, I remembered the ONE thing she had asked to do that day. 


So I took her to the backyard to jump on the trampoline while the other kids got tucked in for bed. 

It was beautiful. She was beautiful.

She IS beautiful in all of the ways. Sometimes it sounds cliche to say someone is beautiful inside and out, but it’s just the truth. She has been completely stunning since the day she was born. A stand-out beautiful little girl, but her personality and heart are overflowing with beauty. She is as light and airy and sweet as she looks in pictures. She lights up a room and adds SO much joy to our lives and our family. 

Waverly Violet, you melt my heart, and the hearts of your entire family 💜 We love you! Thank you for inviting us to your party.