Waverly’s First Day of Preschool

Today was a really big day for our household. The baby – Miss Waverly – started preschool.

She was SO excited to go. She got ready as soon as the big kids were off to school. She got dressed and brushed her teeth.

She packed her backpack. I tied her hair back.

She wandered the house aimlessly for a while with her backpack on until it was finally time to gooooo!

She was more shy than I anticipated, so I walked in with her and helped her settle in.

Good thing, since it turned out I was up to help in the class today! Whoops! Missed that memo! I guess my two hour bubble bath will have to be rescheduled for Wavy’s next day at school, lol!

The kids did crafts, and sang songs. They listened to a story and had a snack. They played and played and played. Until it was time to wrap it up!

Wavy was reserved for the first half of her day, but loosened up towards the end and played really well. She was a little out of her depth, being one of the only four year olds who hadn’t been in school as a three year old. But she was polite and obedient and did really well 💜 I asked what her favorite part of the day was, and she named her teacher. What a win 💜

We went home and ate toasted tomato sandwiches together.

It was a very cute morning, and we were both completely bushed by the end of it. Nap time held legitimate rest for both she and I!

Now excuse me while I enjoy the last two quiet moments before the rest of the kids show up! ☕️

Happy first day, sweet Wave. I cannot believe you are old enough to be in school 💜 But I am SO excited to watch you grow and thrive there. I love you!