Waverlys Kindergarten Orientation

Wednesday was a super full day for our family, with multiple events that warrant their own post! So please forgive me for backpedaling in the coming days! 

Wednesday afternoon held a big event for Wavy – kindergarten orientation!!! She was STOKED to go!

We walked there today in the blazing afternoon heat.

We were greeted by a handful of teachers and grade six students. Wavy was absolutely in her glory, as everyone seemed to know who she was, and they were all full of questions for her. She felt like a rockstar! She was given a name tag and the tour began! 

We were led around the school and showed important points and places, familiarizing her. We eventually landed back at the kindergarten room where she wrote her name, did some cutting, etc. 

She eventually found herself planting pretty glass stones in dirt that grew fake flowers instantly, and she was hooked. So I left her to play and I headed out with the other parents to listen to a shorty presentation about what kindergarten looks like. Let’s be real. None of it was new to me. I know my way around there. But it was nice to see with the other parents, none of which I knew personally, sip coffee, and chat a little. That alone was worth it. 

And it was undeniably a good experience for this little girl. 

She was positively filthy from planting flowers, and was not eager to leave. But the recess bell rang and I convinced her out the door with the promise of a little bit of recess time. She found the middle boys and played with them for a few minutes before we called it and headed home. 

All in all, she was a very happy girl 💜 It was a great afternoon for her, and she is jazzed for kindergarten! I think she’ll fit in beautifully. I am SO proud of her 💜