Wavy Feels Sick

Poor Wavy. Poor poor Wavy. Our littlest monkey hasn’t been feeling 100% for a while now. It started almost two weeks ago with shots. No big crazy reaction, but general fatigue and a little fevering. She’s just been snuggly and not as hungry. Nothing we can’t handle. She’s still been sleeping through the night and eating and drinking enough. She still LOVES a good homemade granola bar. Those trump all. 

She’s just maybe been a bit less personable. And if you’ve seen her in the last two weeks, you know she’s still pretty sweet and goofy, despite her not feeling great. 

Two days ago, she started to rally a little. She would dance a little bit to the songs she liked and played peekaboo. She talked SO MUCH that day! Guys, she says SO much SO clearly! She was so fun that day! 

Aaaaand then yesterday, we got this. 

If those aren’t teething cheeks, I don’t know what are 🤷‍♀️ That nose too. Rashy. Teething. No denying. 

Except that Waverly already has sixteen teeth. What’s left? Two year molars. Already??? She’s 16 months. I’m all for early, easy teething, but this feels REALLY early! If that is indeed what this is, I really hope those molars come in fast, and don’t just tease her for the next six months. 

Today has been a rough one. After a lovely night of sleep for Wavy from 6:30pm to 8:30am, she woke up ready for bed 😩 The poor little Miss was a bundle of emotions. She barely ate anything, didn’t want to drink anything, and once I let her down from the table, she cried pretty consistently. I had to take Rowan to preschool today, so I loaded all three kids up to take him. That was a welcome distraction but she was still a total mess. She cried for maybe the next hour or so. Solly helped her out of her funk at one point with some little reindeer antlers he found…

but it was short lived. 

Thank goodness, Cher offered to come stay at the house while I picked Rowan up, so I could put Waverly down for her nap early. When I asked Wavy if she wanted a nap, she giggled and headed up the stairs. When I scooped her up, she lay across my shoulder and didn’t make a peep. Not a single sound. She was ready. 

Poor Wavy. Poor poor Wavy. Feel better, sweetheart ❤️