Wavy’s Hair Loss: Follow-up Appointment

I recently posted about Waverly’s hair loss, and the post got a TON of hits. I take that to mean that a lot of people care about her, and the things that go on around here. So, friends who care about Wavy’s bald head, here is your update.

I took Wavy in her for a follow-up with Dr. Guselle today. My poor little dear was oddly extra shy, and even sitting in the waiting room, she insisted on turning around, and laying on my shoulder rather than facing out. She was just uncomfortable. Poor girl. We were called in to an exam room and still, she sat pressed into me, and wouldn’t look up.

Dr. Guselle was so warm and lovely, as always. I’m so sad about how many people have to choose between good medicine and good demeanour. I am SO fortunate to have both with her. We discussed how things had been over the last few weeks. Had things gotten better or worse. What had changed. Any attached concerns. She always asks me what my gut says, and I LOVE that!! Because sometimes, moms know. (I remember Dr. Guselle standing up for me once, saying “Not everyone knows whats good for them, but often, moms do. And Hailey is one of the moms that knows.” I loved that.) She touched Wavy’s head and hair, checked her all over good and proper for irritation, and even looked through the little photo folder I had compiled on my phone for this appointment. It went like this.

First, that crazy rash again…

Then, the first time I realized how awful her hair loss was.

This shows that she keeps getting little rash blob moments on her legs.

This was three different kinds of spots. A bug bite, a super full zit, and a spot that just showed up where her last rash started, under her eye. Oh, and sand, lol!

And an example of a hairball. Gross.

This is the NICEST I can make her hair look these days.

I mentioned that Waverly has been sticking her fingers into her ears a lot, and right away, Dr. Guselle got the otoscope and sat down on the floor in front of us. As she always does, she talked Wavy through it. She showed her the “flashlight” and offered for her to touch it and let her finger turn pink. Wavy would have none of it, but once both Dr. Guselle and I had both touched it, she tried it and laughed. Then, Dr. Guselle put the “hat” on it and we all touched it again. No problems! Wavy easily turned her head and kept still while both her ears were checked. She obediently opened her mouth to have her throat looked at too. She is all well in those ways!

We both kind of assumed the same outcome, though its not as much a medical answer as just a life answer. We think her hair all started coming out easier, thanks to her body response to her crazy rashes, and now its a bit of a habit that needs breaking. Which is going to be hard, because the willpower of a two year old is diddly squat, lol! My options are maybe trying to braid her hair, which would be suuuper ugly, lol, thanks to the fact there is only length on the sides now (😩#joeexotic) or maybe a haircut, which would be SO sad! Both of these ideas would make it harder for her to actually grip and yank her hair. If there is no improvement, we’re going to have to do something. In the meantime, while we wait for the derm referral to go through, I’m going to treat the few teeny tiny spots on her scalp with the same cream we used on her hands when they were at their worst, just in case there is some irritation there that she’s experiencing that I’m just not noticing.

My gut tells me this will likely get better with time. It just will. She is SUCH a smart little girl, and its already not as bad as it was a few weeks ago. But I just ache for her to feel total health and relief.

As suspected, the moment we were out of the office, she was a bundle of energy, chatting away about the doctor and the sticker she had been given. “Sticko! Puppies! My hair! The light! THE FLASHLIGHT!” She is such a faker. We all knew it all along.

I guess todays update isn’t really much of an update, but its something. Its a continued effort to find answers. She’s more than worth the work! Little Joe. *sigh*