Wavy’s Somersaults

I’m not entirely sure where she saw them or when her siblings maybe did them for her, but Waverly has picked up on somersaults, and she wants to do them! It is terribly cute!

She started working at them a couple of weeks ago. She would fold herself in half with her hands and head on the floor, and she’d stay there for a few seconds before simply falling to the side, and then celebrating her victory. I say again – terribly cute.

A couple of days ago, she tried again! She was getting braver, folding herself even further in half so her back was almost vertical, but she would still just topple over to the side. No loss for her, though. She was very happy with that result. But we upped her game, and that was even better!

When she would fold in half, we’d give her bum a little push, and she’d go over in a full somersault. We’d clap and cheer, and she was SO thrilled. She’d screech to go again and again and again. We figured if we did it for a while, she’d be more confident to push off on her own and go all the way over. So finally, when she was all folded and waiting for her push, we encouraged her to push off on her own.

And she lifted her hands up, using her head as a kickstand, and grabbed her own butt, trying to push herself over.

We. DIED. Laughing.

Guys, maybe you had to be there, but MAN it was SO funny!!! We all laughed SO hard that she gave up, toppled to the side, and laughed with us. Waverly is SUCH a little clown.

For about the next ten or fifteen minutes, bedtime routine went out the window and everyone practiced their somersaults in the small space of the girls bedroom. As if Wavy’s butt smack wasn’t funny enough, she took it upon herself to “help” her siblings with their somersaults, by coming up behind them as they started to fold up, and gently grabbing their butt cheeks in her little hands. The kids would yelp in surprise and jump, and we would all howl with laughter. It was SUCH a funny evening!

I’ll wrap this post up by confirming that, no, Wavy still can’t successfully do a full somersault, but at age two, I think she still has plenty of time to learn, haha!

And I secretly hope it takes a while to ensure more butt pinching ahead!