We Need More Costco in Our Lives

I’ve come to the conclusion that I need to make more trips to Costco. Not because we need more food, or to spend more money, but because one cart simply does not cut it, and in my last few Costco shops, I’ve left certain things off the list because they just don’t fit in the card.

Leave it to me to begin a blog with a conclusion.

I really like eating our food down good and proper, and then restocking everything at once. It feels so good! But I’m starting to come to terms with the reality that its just not going to work. Yesterday, the cart was full WAY too soon.

Bread. Bagels. Hot dog buns. Wraps. English muffins.
Broccoli. Apples. Bananas. Cucumbers. Peppers.
Milk. Sour cream.

Boom. Full. Three sections in, and the cart was quite full. I hadn’t even touched the coolers, freezers, isles, or toiletries. There are some grocery trips where I need very little in the aisles, but since I really like waiting until we absolutely have to shop, there were bigger things to catch up. ALL the crackers. ALL the lunch snacks. ALL the cereal. ALL the cheese. Cooking oil. Baking ingredients. Some convenience food. You get it. It was a lot.

I’ve never seen a grocery packer get flustered trying to fit everything into one cart. And really, I’ve had bigger shops than this one. But it was approaching $600 worth of groceries, so I do understand. Still. He was flustered inside, and I was flustered outside as I tried to load everything into the van. But I got it done!

And then upon getting home, this tiny morsel put in real genuine effort and helped me get everything unpacked.

I think I need to make a different plan for grocery shopping. I just cannot heave such a heavy cart. Buying groceries shouldn’t be such an undertaking. Maybe I go to Costco every other week, and Walmart in between there. Or Walmart once a week. Something like that.

Or maybe someone needs to teach me the voodoo that is pushing one of those giant orange flat deck carts. What is the trick?! *whispers* They’re so intimidating!