Weirdly Motivated

Brady took today off from his normal life and spent it snowboarding instead. He more than deserves the break. He’s been working his butt off for days, while I’ve been gallivanting around from appointment to outing to event. I’ve had a blast, and now its his turn.

With him home a bit more these days, some of my regular chores that I keep up with have been slipping. So when I got the kids up this morning, I felt motivated to get some things back to normal. I cleaned up the few days worth of dishes cluttering our counters, which felt wonderful. Our counter is still a huge mess of papers and garbage, but that will need to be tidied separately. Hopefully still today, maybe, but we’ll see. While I tidied up the dishes, the kids ate an unreasonable amount of breakfast, which is always good. After breakfast, we all made our way downstairs and I made several trips up and down the stairs until all of our laundry was where it needed to be for the day. Ok, not every piece of laundry. I’m really wanting to get all the bedding done, as well as the towels, curtains, etc., but with the painting plan looming over the next weekish, there is no point in cleaning that stuff when it will need to be recleaned almost immediately. Does that make sense, or just make me sound filthy? Hmmm… Either way, I got all of the dirty clothes together and have been doing laundry all day. And its actually felt pretty amazing!! I’m finally back up and doing things, and it feels really good.

So now, here I am, asking you guys what you have found to be most important when preparing your house for sale. We will be painting almost the whole upstairs, and doing a full deep clean. What else? We’ll do little repairs as needed, and be refreshing all of the window coverings and rugs. I know that a big thing is staging, and making it look all new and perfect, but the fact is, we’ll be listing a house that is lived in by a young family of five, and its not going to be easy! As for decor, we took down all the shelves off of the wall, as they weren’t straight anymore and had done a lot of damage to the drywall underneath. So now do I have to buy things to hang up? Is it worth punch new holes in the walls that we just patched and painted? Maybe it will look too empty without it? I don’t know! What do you guys think?? We’ve never had to sell a house before, and appreciate any and all information or tips that you have!

Until I get a good list going of things that we need to do in the house, I’ll continue puttering around trying to be useful. Only to an extent though. I had braxton hicks contractions all through the night and would love to keep those to a minimum if at all possible. Must rest!


I’ve never sold a house before but my brother-in-law and his wife are selling theirs and they had a real estate agent come in and she said for them to take down almost all of their decor. I wouldn’t bother putting up more shelves unless you absolutely need them and (I know having kids makes this hard) but pack away anything and everything that you can. Also smell is a big thing just make sure your house smells really good when ppl come to look at it and it instantly gives a good impression on prospective buyers