We’re Going Away!!

In celebration of our almost full week of health, our little family is headed out for a few days! Its going to be SO wonderful to have a change of scenery, away from normal life, and do some special things just as a family. Heading to Calgary for a few days 🙂

Our plans are pretty loose. We’ll likely skip the zoo, which is too bad, but its also not going to be the best, warmest winter weather while we’re out there. Hopefully we’ll hit the Science Centre, do some shopping, and see where else we end up. We are going to see Brady’s sisters and their families one morning as well, but beyond that, we’re not making any plans in stone. This is our Born family REFRESH trip, and we’re going to do as many special family trip things as possible. We’ll eat at restaurants that are new to us, watch movies in our hotel room, probably shop a bit for the kids (since as I’m packing up, I see that Solly has virtually nothing that fits him, and Rowan needs a new hoodie), and go out to different activities when we want. I truly think the kids are going to love it, and I know Brady and I will too. We need a refresh just as much as our kids do. We found an amazing deal on an amazing hotel room, so we just hope its not too good to be true, because if its awesome, we may have to head to Calgary more often! I’ve never found a hotel room anything like this in all of my hotel hunting in Edmonton!

We are going on this trip as a special reward for us for fighting through so much hard stuff in the last few months. Like I keep saying, a refresh. A refresh for all of us. And a treat.

A treat for Dekker, to skip a day of school and be with all of us, as he so often requests.
A treat for Laela, who has been SO sick for SO long.
A treat for Rowan, who has also been SO sick, but also had to lose his teetee/blankie in the midst of it.
A treat for Solly, for cutting FOUR TEETH in the midst of everyone being so sick.
A treat for Brady and I, for working as hard as we have to maintain our ailing household, while losing our precious Theo.

We could all use a pick me up.

Please do pray for us as we’re gone. Pray that our health stays intact and that the weather cooperates with our travel plans. We are SO EXCITED!!