What a Difference

Its so wonderful to have the help of a friend around here once in a while! I am beside myself with gratefulness for all the willingness people have showed me, and the love they have poured into my family. These weeks have been tricky, and I’m not sure where I’d be if not for the help of so many wonderful people coming into my home and helping in one way or another!

Today was one of those days where I had the help of a friend. She came early enough so I could bring Dekker to school on my own. She read story after story after story all morning while I made a few calls and crossed a few things off of my “to figure out” list. It was pretty close to a meltdown-free morning, but when Solly lay on the floor, so tired and hungry, while I tried to put lunch together, she carried him around, picked up toys, and talked with him. Things like that go such a long way!

We all had some lunch together, and the kids all went down for naps beautifully. Its been about an hour now, and call me greedy, but I’m hoping to push for two!! Seems ballsy for the older kids, and they may wake before then, but we’ll see. They all seemed good and ready when they went down 🙂 YES! I love when that happens!

My loving friend has bowed out for the day and headed home, but made a HUGE difference! I got some daunting things crossed off my list, and I have some energy for the afternoon rather than feeling ragged and overdone by noon. And I know the kids really enjoyed having a fresh audience, story teller, and friend around, as well.

But before I put the reserved energy to use, I’m putting my feet up in bed for a little bit. My chocolate covered raisins that are not-so-secretly stashed beside my bed are calling…