What a Morning!

Man alive, its already been a really big morning! Mostly good, some tricky, and just really FULL in general! Here’s the breakdown!

Kids got up and had breakfast. Sad broken granola bar cereal was still a win!

Got kids out the door, with appropriate skates and helmets for whoever needed. No one cried, even.

Invited Cher over for coffee while the layer of ice melted off her car in the garage.

Cher left for S’toon, and I tried (unsuccessfully) to move the bus into the garage so it could melt off as well. Couldn’t see out the window, therefore couldn’t make it happen.

Ran van forever.

Loaded Wavy into the van, wiping out on the ice in the process.

Drove to Warman and picked Brady up. Wiped out on the ice yet again.

We picked up our glasses finally and got them fitted and tweaked to perfection.

Got blood drawn. Picked up coffee and took Brady back to work.

Got home and got Wavy inside without wiping out. Heyooo! Got inside and out of jackets just in time to get a call from the school.

Loaded Wavy back up in the van, and retrieved a very pale Dekker from school.

Got home, unloaded, unbundled, and got Wavy some food while Dekker got into cozy clothes.

Made Dekker a teeny lunch before he abandoned us for a rest.

Medicated, humidified, and tucked Dekker in.

Tucked Wavy in.

Aaaaand then it was noon!

Wrote a few more important emails to organize some things, and had a phone interview.

Is it bedtime yet orrrrr…? 🥱