What Can Brady Do

Short answer:
Except those high shelves in the kitchen.
And he can’t actually get into the pantry.
But everything else!!

Long answer:
Brady can literally do just about anything he could do before. That doesn’t mean he does all of those things regularly, because some of them take WAY more concentration and energy than they did before, but he does a lot more than many people might realize. I’ve been realizing a handful of people have asked the same questions, and they’re pretty basic so I thought I’d catch everyone up!

Brady can do stairs! Which is SUPER handy, considering we live in a modified bi-level and we have three short flights of stairs. (No one plans for tumours and paraplegia, am I right??) When he moved home, he would either use a railing and a crutch, or a railing on either side. Recently, he’s gotten stronger and braver, and often just uses the one railing. To be clear, though, it still takes a good amount of concentration and effort, so if you talk to him while he’s on the stairs, he’ll probably have to stop to answer. Walking is still VERY visual for him, so he has to look at his feet while he does the stairs. Otherwise he doesn’t know where they are.

Brady can walk without crutches. Its happened. Its not smooth or graceful, but it can be done. His legs are SO strong, and his balance is improving! He’s also gaining confidence and trusting his muscles a little bit more. Its pretty exciting to watch. On this subject, you may have noticed in pictures recently that he more often walks with even just one crutch! Then he can carry things with him easier, and can be even more independent.

Brady still wheels around the house mostly but he stands from his chair all the time to reach things. He cooks at the stove, standing at his chair, and he preps stuff on a stool at the island. He barbecues like always. Our house was not built for wheelchair accessibility, and while we think that may have to change one day, he has found excellent ways to get around, reach everything, and accomplish everything that needs doing.

I truly can’t think of a whole lot that you might want to know about his abilities. He reinstalled a dishwasher and new flooring. He built a bunch of the deck at the lake, and built the stairs. He built his exercise bike. He chops wood. And there are more projects on the books that we still discuss regularly and plan for. Our dreams are not taken away. If anything, there are more of them! They make take longer to get to, or take a few more hands, but its not over. Not even close. Its just begun.