What Day is It?

Is anyone else having a super hard time keeping the days of the week straight??

The schools had Thursday, September 30th, off before they went back for one day. That alone really turned me around because after their one day of school, they came back for the weekend! Go figure. It took my poor brain a little too long to sort that all out.

Now, we’ve had a long weekend. Four days. It wasn’t our smoothest weekend, though not our rockiest, but I will be honest in saying it felt like a weekend, and then a whole other weekend, but one where the kids were just grossly disinterested in just about everything. Its been a strange time, haha! 🙃Sooooo much on the brain for ALL of us with no end in sight! No rest.

Its possible that, if I wound up in the neuro ward where Brady stayed for eight days post-op in February, I’d fail their test. Everyday, they would ask their patients questions to judge their neurological ability. Do you know where you are? Do you know what year it is? That kind of thing. Today, I could not tell you a lot. But I think my brain has been on overload and now that I suddenly only have one kid to look after, my poor brain doesn’t know what to do with itself.

I hope, when/if the day comes when I need caregivers and they have to ask me those questions, I can hold contentment and peace with not knowing the answer. Like one of Brady’s roommates.

Do you know where you are?
Do you think you’re in a shopping mall, or a hospital?
A shopping mall.
Ok, and do you know what day it is?
Its two thousand aaaaaaand… somethin’.

ZERO disrespect. Quite the contrary. I love the simplicity, and how calm he was about it all. Today, I feel a bit like that guy. And I’m not mad at it.

If anyone asks, its Tuesday. October 12th. 2021.

I think…