What Do You Guys Do?

I’m sure you’ve heard there a snow storm on its way. Well, “snow storm.” Any snow at this point in the year feels a bit dramatic, even if its just a sprinkling. It won’t stay. Its too springish for snow to stay. But this is Saskatchewan, so we all know its not impossible to get snow after spring has clearly begun. Same goes for the other prairie provinces. I know Calgary is in the midst of their unexpected snow, we’re next, and Winnipeg is due for it early next week. So we all have that to look forward to…

What do you guys do to bring spring in? I feel like we need to do something intentionally on the subject this weekend as we anticipate the snow, so we don’t get too discouraged. Or so I don’t get too discouraged, haha! Maybe you guys are better at this than I am, but I like to have an intentional plan to get me through these kinds of things. So I’m curious what you guys do 🙂

We haven’t done anything too exciting in the way of welcoming spring, but we’ve done a few small things. We’ve pull out all of our spring jackets, shoes, rubber boots, and even sandals. We’ve cracked our windows often, even if it means turning the inside temperature up a bit. (Ok, its possible thats just me who does that.) I’ve ordered some tshirts and tank tops for the kids, and some new shorts for Brady. I’ve pulled our my stretchy capri pants, and I’ve rocked bright coral eyeshadow more than once. Welcome, spring! We’ve been eating hot dogs like crazy, haha, which maybe doesn’t feel as “spring” to everyone, but every time we eat hot dogs, the kids talk about their excitement to eat them out on the deck.

The deck. I think I’ve talked about our deck plans on here. There has been a HUGE back and forth on what to do about the hypothetical deck. Piles, no piles, 21′ piles, 10′ piles, footings, sidewalk blocks, deck savers, no deck savers, and everything else. Below frost lines, above frost lines, what if the deck pitches, what if the house pitches?! SO MANY THINGS to think about!! However, I think decisions are made, as much as they can be. The current plan is to wait for our permits to go through (hopefully not too much longer than another week or so) and then choose a pile digging/pouring weekend, and build our deck the weekend immediately after. When I know where these dates fall, I’ll be posting it here, and anticipating a TON of eager helpers 😉 I tease. But seriously, I’ll bribe with a delicious lunch of pulled pork on a bun and all the fixings!

The deck will be our big welcome to spring, even if spring has already come and we’re a touch behind. The deck will give the kids more room to run and sun. It’ll be a nice place to unwind at the end of the day. It’ll be a lovely place to begin the morning. It’ll be a refreshing opportunity when I’m feeling ill and needing fresh air. It’ll provide good pictures and build good memories. I am SO anticipating this all happening.

Until then, I’m not wishing time away 🙂 I’m enjoying my days, taking other pictures, making other memories. But the kids cannot stop talking about our upcoming project!

Excitement is in the air!, that is coming in through the kitchen window, that is fighting against our furnace…