What Girls Do

Laela has become something of a sidekick for me recently. She became extra protective of me when Brady was away at the hospital, and she tried a little too hard to take some adult responsibilities off my plate. I literally started praying for her to stay young, and not feel that pressure to be an adult so quickly.

Now, this summer, she has relaxed a bit, but she is definitely maturing. She is very much my daughter, and I am very much her mother, but we are also friends. We like to hang out and be together! She is a LOT of fun!

The other day, our family was at the beach, and Laela had to use the bathroom. I did, too, so we walked together. As we walked, I told her about how ladies often pee in groups. Boys not as much, but girls often go to the bathroom together. Sometimes even when they don’t all have to pee, they’ll still go together. We had a little giggle, because girls are funny like that, and that was it. We peed, and went back to the beach.

I have not peed alone since.

Laela took this information to heart, and now insists on joining me in the bathroom. She’ll pee, too, or she’ll wait right nearby, and we’ll talk. I’m also expected, though not required, to join her as well. She doesn’t push me to join her, but she always invites me. And I think its just the sweetest thing!

Today, she bounded off the playground and chased after me as I headed to the bathroom. I reassured her that she could stay and I’d be right back, but no. Because, as she says now,

“Girls pee together.”

Deanne Makellky

I love that! My 2 girls (one still in diapers) insist on coming into the bathroom with me at home every time (they don’t know about the whole “girls pee in groups” thing yet, they just want to come I guess) and they will also go together without me and I hear them giggling. It’s so weird.