What I’m Thankful For Today

Today, I’m thankful for a husband who goes into work brutally early in the morning so he can be home with his kids in the evening as much as possible.

Today, I’m thankful for my baby girl who slept through the night, and got me up shortly before my alarm so I didn’t startle awake. Alarms are the worst.

Today, I’m thankful for happy attitudes in the morning before school, and a little boy who happily packs his own lunch.

Today, I’m thankful for a friend who came over on her day off to spend time with the kids and I. I’m thankful for the conversations we could have, the games she played with our kids, and the muffins she brought. VERY thankful for my people, as always.

Today, I’m thankful for a doctor who stands up for me, listens to me, and remembers all of my details. I’m SO thankful I can laugh with her, also.

Today, I’m thankful for a loving mom who offers to pick Dekker up from school, even in the bitter cold, just so I didn’t have to rush home.

Today, I’m thankful for my cozy bed when I can’t warm up.

I have so much to be thankful for. On such an odd day as today, where I have such a fun morning, and a weird afternoon of doctors and sickness, its good to remember whats really important. Gratefulness. And I’ve got it.