What’s Going On Over Here??

You guys heard that we moved, right? Ya I thought you might’ve. 😅 It wasn’t an especially subtle event, as our crowd was the only group of people nuts enough to spend that day outside. So we got fairly noticed, and thats super ok, haha!

Yes, we stayed in town. I’m not being super public on here about where we are living now, for the sake of it being the internet and my not being stupid. Also with foster care, its not to have my location a bit harder to find. As well, I’m enjoying the privacy from some people who I’d rather not stop by. Not you, friends, but the grapevine can do a person dirty sometimes, so I’d like to keep my new physical address a little quiet at least for a while. But if you ask me, I’ll of course tell you 🙂

So with all the change, I’ll give you some little house updates! And hopefully give me and my house some little house updates 😅 Our house is positively LOVELY, but its fairly dated and needs some changes. We’re already elbow deep into it!

We took possession of this house on January 10th. A Wednesday. The very next day, a fast moving crew came and took down a wall that divided pretty much the entire main floor. Nothing like keeping the woman in the kitchen and literally behind closed doors, hahaha! Losing that wall opened up an amazing amount of space! Which is good because the kitchen will change before too long!

Ok it actually already is changing. See a BIG priority for me upon moving was having all of our food on one floor. No garage fridge or basement freezer. None of that. Its ALL going to be within reach. So a good long while ago, mid December, we ordered these two big fridges and two big freezers. It was a whole debacle, maybe its own blog if I feel so inclined, but the fridges arrived the day after we took possession. And they don’t fit. *sigh* Another whole debacle there. So Brady is working on moving some cabinet boxes and re-wiring the oven so we can put the fridges where we want them. Of course, the freezers are suddenly incredibly elusive and taking FOREVER. So we have the little bitty fridge that was here when we moved here, and a couple of hulky fridges across the kitchen, just floating around, waiting for their permanent home to be established. So its kind of a blessing in disguise that the freezers aren’t here yet, because I have no idea where they’d go, hahaha!

This house also doesn’t have a pantry. Well. It had some tall cupboards that claimed to be a pantry, bur they definitely aren’t, haha! So we have some plans to build one across the kitchen where the big fridges are currently lurking. *sigh* Its a whole thing. If you haven’t pieced it together, this house had a little baby dining area, and a “formal” dining area. We took out the wall that separated them, and will be obviously using the larger area for our big table. And the area that was the smaller dining area will be enclosed and become a pantry.

I know this is a bummer without pictures but guys its SO MESSY. Please take my word for it. When any part of it is done, I will show it publicly!! But it is just unbelievably messed up right now, lol! Not for long!!

Beyond the kitchen, lots of things are needing doing. Or, rather, wanting doing, haha! This is the biggest need right. Things like rebuilding closets and replacing light fixtures can wait 🙂 We have our people, and we are warm and safe and settling in slowly 💜 Thank you Lord for ALWAYS providing!