What’s Left

I’m realizing that its kind of almost crunch time here! The things we need to order for Bambina need to be ordered SOON! Things that need DOING before she comes need to be done SOON! Yes, I’ve had a few kids, and I am aware of the fact that, really, she needs very little. She needs milk to drink and a place to sleep. Thats really all she needs. And she has those things. But there are a handful of things I’ve had on a list for a while now, and its time to start acquiring those things.

I looked at my list this morning. I shared it with you guys months ago as a wish list, mostly filled with expensive things I didn’t actually need but would make life more convenient. Its cool to see how many of those things have already come into our possession one way or another, and which ones just weren’t worth the money.

For instance, we were gifted a beautiful car seat cover to keep the sun out of Bambina’s eyes, which was on my list! I was able to find a maternity swim top, as well as one that will work postpartum. I got the book I wanted to use as a bit of a guest book for the baby party. A friend let us borrow their rock ’n play, which was something I really wanted to have available, since my babies are historically barfers, and those things are known to be amazing for babies with reflux. Brady just recently bought me the diaper bag I wanted, and we even managed to find a fabulous deal on an amaazing stroller that I NEVER thought I would get!! My mom is on the books for sewing her some beautiful little personalized blankets. We have a good load of cute little clothes now, with very few holes left to fill. We are SO fortunate to be SO prepared!

But, going back to the title of todays post, whats left?

I still need to get a mattress for the playpen. It obviously has a padded board to lay on but its not soft. The little girly has a cradle to sleep in, but our kids outgrow it pretty quick and move to a playpen. So, a playpen mattress. We might even get two so that both she and Solly have a comfier bed for our lake trip.

I still hope to buy some of those menstrual underwear. If ANY of you have tried them, please message me to chat about them! I would love some input about brands and whether they’re worth the price or not. I just can’t help but think they’d save my (literal and figurative) butt this summer.

I was hoping to get a second Baby Brezza (basically a keurig for formula) and a second ubbi diaper pail, both for up in our room for all the midnight diaper changes and feeds, but they’re both solidly expensive items that I can’t justify buying just for convenience. So my eyes are always open but I’m not counting on those things. I’m thankful to have one Brezza in my kitchen and one ubbi in the kids room. They’re both AMAZING!

A 3D ultrasound is off the list :/ I’m too far along now to really see the baby. *holds breath for the next 6-7 weeks*

Whats left for the baby party is mini jars for favours (Oh yeah, there will be a favour! I hope…) itty bitty tongs for the fruit trays, and I need to make her name sign! There is obviously still a decent list of baby party prep but so much of it will be done in the last days leading up to the party, and I’m not going to list it all here. Look for that post once Bambina is home!

I would still like to find a few headbands for the little miss. Some soft ones tho tie in the front, or twist, or something like that. Obviously not a need, but I think I’d be bummed if I didn’t make an effort to get her at least a handful of them.

I’m also still hoping to find her some little stretchy capri pants! I know that seems unimportant, but I had them for Laela when she was a toddler and this many years later, I’m kicking myself for not buying them in an itty bitty size! But seriously, how could I know?? Lol! In all my looking, I can only find full length leggings. Maybe that would be fine with my tall babies…

I need to wash up all of her little clothes, but there is still time for that.

We have to figure out the carseat to stroller issue, and either find a different car seat or an adapter to make it compatible with the stroller. A bit stumped on this one, but we’re working on it.

I have to organize all of my lady postpartum things. Menstrual pads, breast pads, pain meds, etc.

I have to wash/sterilize bottles up and give our Brezza a good wash.

I have to pack my hospital bag, and install the car seat. We have to decide how to configure the kids in the van without anyone having to duck under anyone else’s seat. We did that last time and I know the bigger kids really hated it.

We have two dresser drawers in our room where I plan to store all of Bambina’s blankets, extra sleepers, meds, diapers, etc. while she’s living up with us, and both need a clean out. One has some baby things I’ve bought throughout the last year and a half that I needed to put somewhere, and the other holds some paperwork from Jamin’s passing, and yes, his little box of cremains is in there, too. Straight talk, I have NO idea what to do with those drawers. But they have to be cleaned up and organized. Who wants to bet that’ll be the last thing I get to? 🙋

I’m sure there is more to add to this list, and I’ll probably kick myself later on for missing this and that, but my brain is pretty mushy and undependable these days. 🤷 What do you want from me?? Lol! If YOU can think of something important that I’ve forgotten, PLEASE don’t hesitate to post it in comments or send me a text or a Facebook message. It won’t stress me out, I promise, but rather help me be as organized as possible for the upcoming summer! Big or small, please mention it! Right now, none of this feels too ominous. I think I’ve done/planned more than I haven’t, so that counts for something. The things I’d like to do before she comes are pretty much off the list, because they don’t matter enough. A detailed vehicle? Whatever. Cabinets and dining chairs that are spotless for five seconds? Meh. A complete backup and reload of our laptop? If it fits, I guess. I’m not too worried about those things.

Ready or not, I’m SO excited for her to come 💜