When Brady Takes a Day Off

Brady and I had a very early morning appointment in the city. Rather than stressing about timelines and racing back to work, he decided to take the day off! Conveniently, he has days off that he earned last year, and he wasn’t able to use them all up! So he took today off, my mom looked after Waverly, and Brady and I spent the morning and afternoon out and about, doing some errands, but mostly just taking our time.

Our appointment was a good one. When we got out of it, our van was blocked in by a outdoor mat delivery truck. We lingered for a couple of minutes until we saw the guy come back with mats over his shoulder. We got buckled up and ready to go, but then he came back out with fresh mats, and went to his drop off! Lol! He could’ve just snuck back a couple of feet, but ah well! Brad finagled us out of our spot eventually and we drove by the river.

We made a bunch of stops, and honestly, had pretty minimal success, lol! We were looking for some gifts, and I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that stock of just about everything is limited. So we came to terms with buying some things on Amazon rather, and let that all go. We stopped for lunch along the way, and once again, took our time. There is something really super nice about having that kid-free break sometimes.

We stopped at a few places to try on some glasses, because as you know, we got new prescriptions and we need to update our glasses. Also, Bradys current glasses are literally cracked right in the centre of the lens. So its time. We found some ok ones, but at the end of our day out, we found our way back to our eye doctor in Warman and found glasses for both of us. This is the first time we have EVER had vision care, and the first time in years we’ve even had health coverage. The last time we had health benefits, I was pregnant with Dekker. So actually being able to take some money off the top of our exams, contacts, and glasses is a real gift. We are both incredibly grateful! Hopefully we’ll have them in hand in a couple of weeks 🙂

We came home to my mom making supper, and a happy family. It was really nice, albeit busy, in our house. Kids were rowd and loudy (yes, I said it) but we made it through, lol! Supper was delicious, and then the really wild ones went downstairs and played hard until bedtime.

I am so beat, haha! Not bad beat, but pooped! Yesterday was really full, and today was full, too. Lots of good things, but lots of things in general! I am ready for bed! Brady already said to be, “Bedtime at 9, ya?” so I think we’re on the same page.

Goodnight Have a lovely evening! 💜 Get some sleep. Sooner than later, probably.