When Brady Works Saturday and it’s Ok

Yesterday, Brady opted to stay home for the day. Rather than attending Dekker’s track meet and going to work in the afternoon for just a couple of hours, he decided to spend the day at home and go in to work for a bit this morning. Turns out that was a great move, because he woke up before his alarm feeling refreshed and motivated. He worked very few hours, accomplished WAY more than he would’ve had he gone in yesterday afternoon, and came home happy.

The goal of today was to change the oil in the bus, but Brady had forgotten his wallet and couldn’t go buy oil or a filter. So plans changed a little bit, and we decided to make a quick trip into the city after he got home. He made it home while the kids were eating breakfast.

We dressed them and ran into the city for Costco and a few short errands. We did good, were fast, and got everything we came for. Now, the little boys are safely tucked away, napping, the big kids are playing Lego, I’m blogging (obviously) and Brady is about to head off to change the oil. It should be a nice, quiet, rest of the day here at home.

All thats left to do on my watch it water my moms flowers this evening. Maybe I’ll even walk over. The weather has been just gorgeous!! I hope you’re all enjoying the sun ☀️