When Dekker Grows Up

I’ve been catching glimpse of what Dekker might be like when he’s older, and I’m truly loving it.

On Saturday, Breakfast Man (aka Brady) opted to make a batch of baked oatmeal for the morning. It went over well, as you’d expect. Dekker loved it more than anyone else. His serving was gone in seconds. He told Brady he wanted the recipe for himself. Brady held up the recipe book he had used so he knew where to find it. But that wasn’t enough.

After breakfast, Dekker went and found the recipe book for himself, found the right page, and copied it onto a page. So he had his own. I thought that was the sweetest. He brought it to show me afterwards and while I was looking it over, he said to me “I’m SO excited to make this for my kids!”

Guys. My heart!!

** I always feel the need to clarify that I do NOT teach my children that they have to have kids. Definitely not! That being said, at least Dekker and Laela both have expressed that they really hope to have a spouse and children. Its fun to look forward to that together 🙂 **

Dekker spent a big chunk of yesterday looking through a recipe book he had brought home in grade one, speculating about what would be yummy and what we should try to make. He would comment which meals they would suit, and always pointed out which ones had dairy in them, for Rowan’s sake. He was SO on the ball. And he is again today, perusing that book, wondering if “The Best Waffles” are actually better than our waffles, or if our cookie dough isn’t safe in comparison to the stuff that has “edible” in the title.

Dekker is an old soul, and I love that about him. I remember someone once telling me they were an old soul, and I wasn’t. I felt put down and at a disadvantage. I don’t think that was their goal, and I’ve realized since that its not bad to have different personalities. But I am very happy to have the opportunity to raise such a soul as Dekker’s, and while we’re different people, I’m positive God will equip me with all the tools I need to do him justice. These conversations with him about wanting to care for people have me thinking more about how I can teach him about these things. I’m excited to see where we end up.