When We Don’t Have an Appointment

On the calendar this week, today held NO appointments!!! 🥳 So naturally, Wavy grew something oozy and infected on her leg in an attempt to get us into the city after all! 😅 Why would we ever stay home for a day?!?! ‘Twould be preposterous.

The mask, thanks to the last couple of feverish days. She was totally happy to wear it! 💜 She never ceased to impress me.

In we drove for a same-day 10:30am appointment, and didn’t wait long at all before we were called back. She was weight, measured, and had her temperature checked. We only waited in an exam room for a couple of minutes.

The resident who came in seemed a touch standoffish. She seemed somewhat monotone and intimidating, at first. But once she had all the info, she was SO soft and kind to Waverly, and it showed. Wavy was so comfortable with her, answered all of her questions, and cooperated beautifully with the exams. When it was all over, medication was ordered, and Wavy was praised up big time, and given a small handful of stickers.

And then I was also really impressed with her, so we went for donuts. Because he absolutely earned it!!

She’s just a little joker, but its an amazing quality of hers! The doctors she saw today loved her, as she winked at them and gave them thumbs up. She is silly and warm and brave 💜 Good job, beautiful Wavy!!! I cannot believe you start school so soon.