When We Run Out of Milk

There is no way around it. When we run out of milk, we know its time for a grocery shop. Its been SO cold recently, and we’ve been doing a good job at stretching the food we have, so we have put off a good solid grocery shop for maybe two weeks or so. Costco, anyway. I ducked to Coop recently to buy a bit of milk to hold us over, but its not just milk. We have our staples that we burn through, and we were getting lower and lower on the items that we eat every single day.

One day I should do a grocery post and actually show you what we buy to really stock up, but that’s just not happening today! Lol!

First, before we even went for groceries, we hit Home Depot. We returned a few things we had purchased and ended up not needing. We bought a couple of breakers that we were missing. We looked for a laundry sink and had no success. It was dead quiet in there! Anyway, we were in and out of there pretty quickly, as Brady very recently did a bit of a Home Depot haul and got most of what we need to do our part in our basement this week.

We stopped by Safeway on our way to Costco to grab our creamer. We are NO brand name snobs or super picky eaters, but we will not sacrifice our creamer, and Costco doesn’t have it, and we weren’t hitting Superstore today. But then off to Costco.

We looked once again for a laundry sink but they didn’t have the one we really wanted to see. Must just be online for now. We’ll keep looking. From there, we stocked up on bakery stuff, and tons of fruit and veggies. (I so often joke about needing to start buying things by the case. Is there anywhere that people can actually do that nearby? Because we’re basically there…) We grabbed our ton of milk, our few frozen things, some cheese and packaged meats, and only a few aisle things. I always feel so good when the bulk of what we buy isn’t from the aisles. I wasn’t embarrassed unloading our cart, haha! Do you even feel embarrassed by your groceries? I TOTALLY do! Especially if we’re catching a deal somewhere so we, for instance, just buy pringles, or margarine, or something crappy like that. Lol! I SWEAR we eat healthy food, too!!

She was so foofy and pink today!

We grabbed some Tim’s on our way home, and I finalized a quote for taping our basement, hopefully to begin shortly! They have a flexible schedule, and we just have to finish up our few last things! Eek! Its finally happening!!!

Time for lunch and a bit of a rest before its time to get the monkeys from school! We have an extra one today so I anticipate an extra rowdy stretch between school and supper, as thats what tends to happen when friends come over 🙂

Aaaaand Bachelor night tonight. I want to say I don’t care, but I really do. Sigh. I’m so embarrassed. But at least it wasn’t the fault of my groceries today.