When Weekend Plans Change

We had some pretty important plans for today. Things were scheduled. My mom was booked to have the five kids for the entire day. Stuff was in place!

And then, we received an emergency placement call, and became the proud foster parents of a second babe!!! Wanna seeeeeee???

I’m just kidding, come on, you couldn’t have fallen for that. But Laela’s photobomb says it all. The family is STOKED to bring another little one on board!! The squeals that erupted from every child when they found out absolutely filled my heart, and my ears, because WOW they were happy!

All of our plans went out the window, and we prioritized helping our little spoonful of sunshine get acclimated. Which was much more fun, anyway.

We are officially a family of nine! For now 💜 We shall see what tomorrow brings. We trust you, Lord!