Where We Are, in All the Ways

If you’ve been keeping track, we are CLOSE to baby day. Hopefully, all will go down at the beginning of this coming week! 🤞 Also, hopefully all goes well on the home front and baby girl is healthy and well and comes home very soon!! 🤞🤞🤞 Hopefully hopefully hopefully.

So, its Saturday afternoon. In theory, we potentially are only two days away from baby day. Not much time left to do things, but as I look now, there is not too much left to do!

This morning, I got the side of my hair re-shaved, and Brady painted my toenails on Thursday evening. I even showered. I’m refreshed and ready for anything! ✅

I have a list going of what I’m waiting to arrive in the mail, but none of it is baby stuff anymore. Actually, none of it is even for us! So that section of my superlist is done! ✅

The last thing I had to buy before she arrived was actually what I’m hoping to give out as a “favor” for the party. Being that this thing exists somewhere that I rarely go, I just didn’t get there, and thats ok. We’ll get there (or we won’t) after she comes. I’m not concerned. ✅

I have one thing left on the list of things to do, and I’m planning to do it this afternoon, so, done! ✅

During naptime this afternoon, Dekker came and hung out upstairs with Brady and I and helped us pack up our hospital bags. I’ve had the bulk of my stuff, as well as Bambina’s stuff, pulled out and set aside for a good while now, but Brady had yet to get his own stuff organized. Which is fine, except for the fact that I’ve had some weird, somewhat laboury nights. The other day, before leaving for my prenatal, I just chucked everything into a bag, with a few extras for him, just in case we ended up in the hospital. We didn’t, obviously, so we unpacked the mess I made, and repacked it nicely with Brady’s things added to the mix. All that’s left on our list of things to pack (because you know I have a list for that, too) is toothbrushes, pillows, our phone chargers, and the iPad that is currently charging. Boom. Done! ✅

Currently, as I look around my room, I have fresh sheets sitting on the chair beside my bed that we can quickly change out when Jerilee comes for the day/night that we’re at the hospital. Baby’s cradle is ready. Her jammies, blankets, and diapers are all where they need to be. I have all the pads for all the places in all the sizes.The tub is scrubbed. We. Are. Ready.

We found the perfect cold brew ratio! ✅

We stocked up on ALL the fresh fruit and veggies we’ll need for the next while! ✅

Milk, too. ✅

Brady has finished up his work (as in his “at work” work) that needs doing. ✅

The kids are in the know about whats going to happen and when. ✅

I can’t think of anything else that needs doing, and I’m not going to keep breaking my brain over it. We are as ready as we’ll ever be!

Tomorrow, we’ll have lunch with my parents and my brother’s family. One last hurrah before we add another little sweetie to the mix. And then we’ll sleep, and wait for it to be our turn.

Please come home soon, Bambina 💜 We love you SO much!