Whew! Yesterday’s List…

Today already feels WAY better than yesterday, though in some ways that makes no sense. Dekker and Laela have been a bit snotty the last couple of days, and today, the little boys have joined the fun, with an added dry cough. Ugh. Poor kids. Thankfully, though, two loving friends of our family came by this morning to help out! This goes SUCH a long way, because I can get a few things done without a snot monster clinging to my ankle, and/or actually SIT while drinking a hot coffee.

This morning, I did a bit of both. I took Dekker to school without having to bring everyone else along. I finished up some dishes and made my bed, as well as the kids beds. The job of chopping enough vegetables for an army was done for me. I boiled a bunch of eggs up for Brady’s lunches.

Yesterday, I made a few of the appointments on my list, but not all. The ones I still haven’t done are only waiting because I’m not entirely sure when to book them for. I did a handful of other things off of the list yesterday, and it feels WAY less ominous now! I still have some things to look up and make decisions about.

One big thing is that I really want to get invitations made for the baby party, mostly so I can hand them out at church, as I don’t have my entire church family on Facebook. I have a prototype made up already, and I think it would be worth it to have them on hand early so I can literally drop them in mailboxes the day we get home. Would be best for us, anyway, as the party will be less than two weeks after that. But!! Brady and I are suddenly less confident on her middle name, and obviously her name is on the invite!! Ack! So that waits, but hopefully not for long. I’d love to have that nailed down as soon as possible!

As tends to happen (hopefully not just for me) as I’ve been crossing stuff off my list, I’m adding more. The list will NEVER quit, haha! But most of the added items are things I need to purchase, so thats easier to swing in any regular errand day. Those things don’t freak me out as much as things I have to do. Hopefully the to-dos are wiped off the list soon enough!

I thank you SO MUCH, my friends who lovingly come over expecting to lend a hand!! Help looks different to lots of different people, and it is legitimately helpful to come and do jobs, read to my kids, visit with me, etc. There is ALWAYS work to be done. My kids will ALWAYS ask for a story. I will ALWAYS welcome adult conversation. These things all go SUCH a long way!

A friend is now on her way over to talk some baby party details with me! Eek! If you hadn’t picked up on it, I could talk about that party ALL day! I anticipate I’ll go through some withdrawal when its over and done with. Don’t forget to let me know if you’re AT ALL interested in coming! I may just keep randomly inviting people but I’d hate to miss anyone! It is NOT a “ladies only” event, either. Think less “baby shower” and more “brunch party.” Everyone is welcome! There will be men, there will be women, and there will be kids! I’m so excited!!!