Why Going to Church is Tricky Recently

The last couple of weeks have been a bit off around here. No one is struggling more or less than the other, but we’re starting to think that no one is feeling 100%. But Solly is the guilty party for making church so hard to get to these days!

He is SO SCREAMY!!! Sometimes its a constant fussiness with crying thrown in, and other times he’s screeching so loud, and he just will not be stopped! We have a few theories.

  1. If you’ve seen Solly in the last month or so, you’d have seen the little red blotches on his cheeks. They are humorously round and even, and they are now dry, rashy spots that are just sticking around. They don’t bug him or anything, he has no idea they’re there, but to me, they suggest teething. He has cracked everything except for his two year molars, but I’m not confident that his eye teeth are all the way through :/ So he could still be working on that.
  2. Dekker and Laela have both have very small (but still relevant) bouts of vomiting in the last two weeks, and without going into too much detail, Ro has had his share of sick poops as well. So maybe Solly is just feeling a bit down and out, just without showing many physical symptoms. Maybe! That one is sort of impossible to judge.
  3. This option would probably be my first choice, if I got to somehow choose why this was happening. Solly barely says any real english words at the moment, but he really wants to! He’s in a very chatty, babbly stage, and just wants to communicate! Riiiiight before Rowan finally achieved language, he did the same thing, and got suuuper loud and screamy and opinionated. Maybe Solly just wants to talk and is on the cusp of figuring it out!

Whether sickness or development, its pretty impossible to quiet through church. We work tirelessly at it last Sunday, and while everyone was very gracious and understanding when we’d haul him out of the service for the five hundredth time, it still really sucked for us. Solly’s feelings are also very easy to wound these days, so a mere “shush” sends that lower lip out and from there, its all over.

I understand there are times that church is just hard to get to, and I think thats ok. Yet I see the value in bringing everyone there and instilling the importance of going to church into the kids. But these days, with Solly screaming SO MUCH, we just had to sit a morning out. Especially when my back is in the shape its in, I can’t do much, if any, of the hauling of the Solly. I can barely lift him these days. Yikes!

So instead, we stayed home and watched a movie and coloured. I finally saw Madagascar and I’ve gotta say I’m not sure what all the fuss is about. Not that exciting of a movie at all, in my opinion! But let’s be real. I just wanted to watch Storks instead.

We may venture back into the city this afternoon to finish up one or two things that we didn’t get to yesterday on our errand day. Maybe, maybe not. We’ll how Screamy McScreamerson is feeling.