Why we SHOULD Proofread

I asked a while ago if you guys thought I should proofread my blog posts before I save them and have them printed. Almost every single one of you said not to, for lots and lots of good reasons. I am SO relieved that I didn’t fuss with that, because I am finding my groove in saving hundreds and hundreds of posts in a row, and I’m positive that proofreading them one by one would be discouraging and exhausting and I would have quit a lot time ago already. I’m ok with finding mistakes here and there. I don’t nitpick, and that will show years from now when (and if) anyone reads them.

However, saving these posts is bringing me back to these times of my life, and I catch myself doddling through the saving process, revisiting occasions and reminiscing stages of life. If I happen to find an error that I feel so inclined to fix, I fix it. Because I’m there, so why not?

Today, I found a post talking about being six weeks postpartum after delivering Rowan. In the first paragraph, I read a sentence saying I had reached the highly anticipated “sex week mark.” 😳 I BURST out laughing, terrifying my kids, and then annoying them by not really being able to explain to them what I had laughed at. “Mommy just made a mistake” finally sufficed, and I chuckled while I finished saving the post. “Good thing I caught that one!” I laughed to myself.

Aaaaand I forgot to fix it. And I’m not going back for it! For one, I don’t want to go back. I want to keep moving forward. And for another, I think it’ll be a great laugh later on in life, and for whoever else ends up reading it. Like its not untrue, hahaha! Just not especially socially acceptable to talk about. Oy.

I hope you guys appreciate this as much as I did. I think I’m funny, anyway…