Why Yesterday’s Post Came Around When it Did

So a while back, I was talking about going through a super difficult time with the kids, where they were just constantly breaking rules, getting in trouble, being super rude to one another, etc. In all honesty, it hasn’t improved a whole lot yet, but I’m SO bored of talking about it! And if I’m bored, very likely you are also bored. So I’m tried pretty hard to lay off that kind of talk and focus on other things.

Yesterday was another tricky one and I was really struggling to figure out what to write about that wasn’t focused around my kids misbehaving. Luckily, I hadn’t really had a chance to put up a photo post from that Edmonton weekend, and a photo post is always a fun post! At least yesterday’s sure was! I always love an opportunity to brag Brady up a bit 😉 And thank you for all the love on the bright new front door!! Honestly, I expected a bit more judgement on that! Hahaha! We all LOVE it!

I’m happy to say that today has felt a bit better. Its not been perfect, but I’m not going for “perfect,” so thats ok. Usually, the kids set the table for breakfast in the morning, and they’re all so eager to help that they end up fighting like cats and dogs over who gets to do what. So instead, I got up five minutes early and just did it all myself before they were up. I still want them to learn to help, and I know they still want to, but it was SO refreshing today to just avoid the fight. Breakfast was peaceful.

The kids and I took Dekker to school, and checked the mail. I’m anticipating a couple of parcels, but they keep not coming! I’m pretty sure the one at least is coming tomorrow! Woot! After the mail, we headed home and began our relaxed morning of playing and reading stories.

One thing we do as punishment over here is take away a toy that they’re being disobedient with. This isn’t an unheard of concept, haha! We used to put the toy on the island and they’d get it back the next day. But with the current state of their behavior, our island was COVERED by the end of the day, and the island was just a mess. So, now, the toys are put on top of the fridge, and they’re gone longer. Until we decide, basically. The stakes are higher.

About a week ago, Laela lost her stuffed Elsa when she was super angry and hucked it at one of her brothers. Boom. Gone. But she understood why, and accepted that it was gone. Over the last day or two, she’s been asking about it. Last night, she really wanted it to sleep with, and we told her we could have a talk about it the next day and see if she was ready to have it back. That was this morning.

Laela asked very politely if she could have her Elsa back now. I asked her if she remembered why she lost her toy in the first place, and she definitely did. She apologized, and I agreed to give her back her toy. The moment Elsa was in her arms, Laela closed her eyes and gave her a big, mushy hug. And the second that hug was over, she ran Elsa over to Solly. If you remember, Elsa is probably Solly’s favorite toy in our whole house. He squealed with delight and grabbed Elsa from Laela, and kissed her and kissed her and kissed her! It was a VERY happy reunion.

need these moments. They are such wonderful reminders of how hard my children really do try, and that they have GOOD, BIG hearts, and that they really love each other. Even when they don’t really like each other every moment of every day 😉 I know this is normal sibling stuff, but I don’t like writing it off like that. I don’t think it makes it ok to be twerps to each other just because the mood strikes. Self control, folks! We ALL have it. We just have to use it! And today, I saw my little spitfire daughter graciously give her brother her sought after cuddly Elsa because she knew he loves her, maybe even more than Laela does.

Just another “its working” moment that relaxes my heart a little. YIKES I love these kids.